Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Back Neck Tattoo: Swallow Tattoo
Upper back and neck tattoo of a swallow and cross tattoo design.

"Swallow Tattoo" originally uploaded by Nowhere Fast Tattoo.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Foot Tattoos: Hibiscus and Turtle Tattoo
Foot tattoo of a beautiful hibiscus flower and Hawaiian honu turtle. The turtle is colored heavily in black ink creating a great tribal look while the hibiscus is tattooed and shaded with a pink tone that brings good contrast to the overall design. Nice tat!
"Foot Tattoos: Hibiscus and Turtle Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by Las Vegas Tattoos by Jon Poulson.
Honu with Hybiscus flower tattoo by Jon Poulson
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
Tribal Butterflies
Cute tribal butterflies & a small tribal dragonfly tattoo.
"Tribal Butterflies" Tattoo originally uploaded by Diogo Araujo.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tattoo Sleeves
Awesome tattoo sleeves high quality work, very detailed design overall.
"Tattoo Sleeves" Tattoo, originally uploaded by skeletonandkey.
The one on the left side (my right arm) is Christy Brooker at Artcore Studios in Seattle, Washington. Christy completed this sleeve at the beginning of December 2008, almost exactly one year since she had started. As you can tell in this photo, it all looks very new and I still have some Burt's Bees Hand Salve on it.
The one on the right side (my left arm) is Victor Policheri from when he was working at Apocalypse Tattoo in Seattle, Washington. We started it in, I want to say the end of 2004 or maybe early 2005, and completed it 2 years later.
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
Vampire Bite Tattoo
"Vampire Bite Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by Las Vegas Tattoos by Jon Poulson.
Vampire Bite Tattoo by Jon Poulson
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Moon Star Tattoo Design
Are star tattooings of the moon with the Juste with the EC what they resemble - they combine a star and moon image, the standard representation of the sky of night.
Some of the latter will see fairy tale slightly, as an image of the book of images of a child. Others are stylized.
Those and other tattooings of star can be built-in with a design of tattooing of tribal-model. In fact, sometimes the star shape is open of interpretation - more than one design in the stylized star shape of tattooing.
Moon star tattooings put 't have the significance major symbolic system other tattooings star to have, but they can be very beautiful designs.
Moon Star Tattoo Design
Are star tattooings of the moon with the Juste with the EC what they resemble - they combine a star and moon image, the standard representation of the sky of night.
Some of the latter will see fairy tale slightly, as an image of the book of images of a child. Others are stylized.
Those and other tattooings of star can be built-in with a design of tattooing of tribal-model. In fact, sometimes the star shape is open of interpretation - more than one design in the stylized star shape of tattooing.
Moon star tattooings put 't have the significance major symbolic system other tattooings star to have, but they can be very beautiful designs.
Tattoo Design - Tattoo Design for Girls
Designs of tattooing - a fast history of tattooings
Tattooings have a rich history of the tradition, tonics thousands and thousands of years. In the course of time, there always were a big role of the tradition and ritual behind tattooings. In the past, the women in Borneo employed tattooings like manner of marking their qualifications. Tattooings were also employed in the past like manner of keeping left diseases and the disease, while placing tattooing around the fingers and on the wrist. Through the history, tattooings were also employed to symbolize a clan, or the company, as well.
The goal of tattooings differed from the culture to the culture during time. Research proved that tattooings earliest come from Egypt for the period of the pyramids, although the majority believe they started much earlier. Egyptians currently were supposed to employ tattooings like manner of marking the slaves and the peasants. Tattooings deviated in China and then above in Greece, where the Greeks employed tattooings like manner of communicating among spies. Along the manner, Japan also incorporated the use of tattooings as well. The Japanese people employed tattooings for religious and ceremonious rites. During this era, the women of Borneo were the artists. They produced the designs which indicated that the individuals move in the life and the tribe which it was affiliated with. Tattooings were very popular during nowadays, although the infections were completely common. Tattooings were far from the improvement, which showed in the manner that they were made
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Chinese Symbol Tattoos
Chinese tattooings of symbol develop quickly in popularity in the whole world. In fact, more than six thousand searchs for people of the expression of Chinese tattooings on the Internet each day. But this 's nonastonishing as Chinese tattooings of symbol are extremely beautiful and mysterious.
Henna - Mehndi Tattoos
In the hot climate of the Middle East, the factory of heena, which has the scientific named inernis of Lawsonia, develops admirably. During centuries, the inhabitants of the countries in the Middle East learned how to crush the sheets of heena, and with thus produce a powder. If this powder is mixed with oil of mehndi, it can be applied to the skin. Why would somebody like to put a mixture of oil and powder on the skin? Well, this powder precisely proves to contain chemicals called tannins. These tannins give to the powder sheets crushed the capacity to soil objects touched by the powder. Once mixed with oil of mehndi, the powder can soil the skin. The skin becomes one various nuances of brown.
Ankle Tattoos Designs
There are many people seeking tattooings N of ankle the Internet, but more they never finds the drawing-model truly large that they are then. Sour, you will be able to find much Web sites which have tons of designs for ankles, but the majority of these places have generic, the art of biscuit-cutter which should never not be arranged above. He 'thing of SA the good one there are manners of deviating much of this bottom-of-the-range substance.
If you are like 9% of the people on the Web, the seek-engines are essential with your research to find the Web sites which have tattooings of ankle. It is the exact point where people are badly. He 's not real people seeking the drawing-model; he 's the seek-engines which are principal you right to the hundreds of Web sites credits outside there. All what seem jump upwards in the results of a search by seeking a tattooing are him the same places of biscuit-cutter which must be avoided.
These Web sites are filled at the edge of tattooings of ankle and of the designs which are manner more than six years and the majority of what they have is already announced on hundreds of other Web sites in all the Web. There is not a bit of originality in tattooings the ones of ankle that they could have. Not only this, but the true pulsor is that they comprise the drawing-model which wasn 't even drawn to be transformed into tattooing of real life. The selection of one of these tattooings of ankle means that the thee is a very true chance that it gained 'glance of T anywhere close as good as it looked on paper that you printed it above. That 's an important fact which must be identified.
Now we will speak during one second about the way of finding the drawing-model of quality which seems to be missed per so many people. To make long shorts of history, you will want to plunge in forum of Internet. They are a manner tested and there true to unearth the tons of superb Web sites outside which have so much higher tattooings of ankle of notch than you have summers absent outside above. The search engines put the 'exposure of T you several of these places and the forum is your manner of obtaining to them.
You can find ink after bond of the posts in the hundreds of different forum. There are some enough honest people in the forum and they share their results with others which seek the same thing. In this case in fact Web sites have tattooings of ankle of quality that it is necessary that you look through. He 'simple solution of SA to a problem growing on the Web.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Tiger Lily Tattoo
Flower tattoos for the most part are commonly preferred mostly by women, they are one of the most popular designs among tattoos. There are a wide array of flower designs to choose from ranging from the common rose tattoos, the hibiscus flower a Hawaiian traditional design and many others including the "lily flowers". A tiger lily flower tattoo as the one pictured below can be a great design to choose for a flower tattoo. It is a flower that can be loved purely for its beauty and attractiveness. It has gorgeous flower petals with a beautiful assortment of exotic colors, many people particularly women simply can't stop admiring its charm and appealingness.
What does a lily symbolize?
Some meanings that represent the the lily flower include purity, majesty, innocence, wealth and pride.Those that reflect the meaning of the tiger lily flower could be pride or prosperity and the words "I dare you to love me" can also be attached to the meaning of the tiger lily.
"Tiger Lily Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by loki13.
This is my submission for Project 365: Week Thirteen - Yellow.
I got this tattoo on my upper arm and shoulder in spring 2005. It depicts a tiger lily flanked by two roses with faces inside. The design is loosely inspired by the living garden scene in Through the Looking Glass.
Custom tattoo by Dave Knight at PSC Tattoo in Montreal.
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sailor Jerry Dragon Tattoo
Here is a "Sailor Jerry" old school design featuring a small dragon tattoo.
"Sailor Jerry Dragon Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by Tattoo Tom.
Here is a closeup of the Sailor Jerry Flash design of a dragon on my shoulder.
Tattoo by Terri Morgan, Socal Tattoo, San Pedro, California. Tattoo was just done on 01/24/07.
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
Lotus Flowers & Butterfly Tattoo
Back tattoo design of purple lotus flowers and butterfly tattoo.
"Lotus Flowers & Butterfly Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by red bunny.
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos